
Design with learners at the front of your mind.

I have been an instructor, instructional designer, and developer for almost 25 years. I have spent my career designing and developing training programs, both instructor-led and online, for many different industries. After being introduced at a company event as “the guy that made the eLearning no one watches,” I knew I needed to improve. At the point I started researching best practices and attending and speaking at L&D conferences such as ATD Techknowledge, Learning Solutions, and Devlearn. I have presetned many times at these conferences with topics ranging from ILT to eLearning conversion to Data Strategy for Learning Interventions.

My early career had a strong focus on creating materials for software companies. The last few years have been spent working on Instructional Design for Sales Enablement teams. I have spent the last several years focusing on the use and deployment of the Experience API (xAPI) and its effect on learning interventions. I have spoken at industry conferences on the subject and am co-author of Investigating Performance, a book on using the Experience API and analytics to improve performance.

I’m Sean

Welcome to my portfolio page, dedicated to my adventure as an L&D professional. Join me here and let’s learn together how to create research backed learning interventions that produce measurable outcomes!

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